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Day 5: Starting experiments and shopping alone

by nari._days 2024. 2. 10.

#Nari_in_LA #Day5 #240206


Waking up at 4:30 AM, I played with my smartphone in bed. My housemate treated me to McDonald's breakfast, leaving me feeling pleasantly full with hash browns and orange juice. I noticed a slight swelling on the back of my hand, unsure of its cause.


It's intriguing that in this era, the United States still relies on traditional keys for door locks. To prevent loss, I attached my lab and room keys to my AirPods' keyring, but unfortunately, it broke when I dropped it right after I took a picture for commemoration.


My housemate drove me to school due to heavy rain, and I jumped into experiments on my second day at the lab. After enjoying lunch at Panda Express, I shared Jeju Island chocolates with my labmates that I brought from Korea. The layout of the lab, with equipment spread across different buildings, is intriguing. It made me appreciate how convenient it was back in Korea when most of our lab equipment was housed within our own lab space. 


After lab work, I walked through the rainy campus to Target for shopping. Despite not finding a socket adapter again, I purchased body lotion, scrub, hair oil, and pants hangers, then stopped by Trader Joe's for groceries, including a bouquet of yellow flowers. They were selling lots of flowers, perhaps for Valentine's Day, and I couldn't resist buying a bouquet of yellow flowers, thinking they would brighten up my room.


Upon returning home via Lyft, I organized my purchases and intended to have a simple dinner with just a sandwich. However, due to my lack of sleep, or perhaps due to my lack of appetite control, I ended up eating cup ramen and pineapple as well. While arranging flowers, a spill added to the day's chaos, yet their presence in my room brought a smile. Thus concludes today's diary, from experiments to a solo shopping adventure.

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