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[미국생활 꿀팁] 아시안 식자재 쇼핑 어플 Weee 추천 및 사용꿀팁 5가지, 할인링크들 (꼭 할인 많이 받으며 활용하기!) 안녕하세요. 이번 포스팅엔 한국 및 아시안 식자재 쇼핑 어플 Weee 추천 및 사용꿀팁, 할인링크들 공유해볼게요. 저는 Weee에서 미국 마트에선 쉽게 찾을 수 없는 아시안 푸드 뿐만 아니라 요거트, 달걀, 채소, 간편식, 과일 등등도 자주 구매하고 있어요. 물론 H mart 같은 대형 한국 식자재 마트가 있긴 하지만, Weee에선 사용자들의 후기도 함께 확인하며 온라인으로 편리하게 장을 볼 수 있으니 너무 좋아요. $35 이상이면 다음날까지 무료배송이 가능하니, 힘들게 무거운 짐 옮길 필요도 없구요! (한국에선 쿠팡 로켓프레쉬 애용자였습니다ㅎㅎ) 그동안 이 어플의 특장점인 할인 링크들 활용법을 잘 몰랐어서 아쉬움이 많은데요, 자취하는 유학생 분들 Weee 할인링크들 야무지게 활용하셔서 식자재 쇼핑 비용.. 2024. 4. 7.
Day 21: Walking over 10,000 steps #Nari_in_LA #Day21 #240222 I enjoyed walking to school since the day was delightfully sunny. Before going directly to the lab, I wandered a bit to register for Upass and withdraw cash from the ATM. There might not be an ATM where I can withdraw cash without paying fees. After spending some time on experiments, I attended a seminar by our professor intended for undergraduate students in the chemi.. 2024. 3. 12.
Day 20: Burrito place #Nari_in_LA #Day20 #240221 The sky cleared after a morning of meditation, stretches, and breakfast. Today, I chose the route to school that I had never explored before. Along the way, I was captivated by a tree with pink blossoms, a gentle reminder that spring is on its way. Additionally, the LA swimming stadium building stood out as the magnificent and authentic structure! I couldn’t resist tak.. 2024. 3. 11.
Day 17: Homebound day #Nari_in_LA #Day17 #240218 After getting enough sleep, I started Sunday by studying English. Since I ate too much at dinner yesterday, I decided to skip the lunch to feel better. While checking my trip and payment schedule on Airbnb, I took the opportunity to organize my money ledger. I’m planning to move to a safer place soon. 😟 Groceries from Weee arrived in the evening. Weee is the app where .. 2024. 3. 11.
Day 14: Korean food and acai bowl #Nari_in_LA #Day14 #240215 Good morning. Today, to boost my energy, I incorporated some simple stretching exercises into my routine. On my way to school, I encountered an array of blooming flowers that made me happy. Battling a slight slump in my physical condition since yesterday, I eagerly anticipated having warm Korean food for lunch. Accompanied by my labmate, we ventured to the Korean resta.. 2024. 3. 5.