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Day 19: Trader Joe's

by nari._days 2024. 3. 11.

#Nari_in_LA #Day19 #240220


The day started with morning affirmations and stretches. I made an open sandwich with avocado, bell pepper, eggs, and green beans. It was another rainy day again. At our lab office, Trader Joe’s cocoa truffles always catch my eye, and I can’t resist indulging in them. Feeling a little hungry, I also snacked on corn chips with my labmate.


After work, I headed to Trader Joe’s in the USC Village. This place will definitely become my favorite grocery market. All the fresh fruits and vegetables are well-organized with reasonable prices! What caught my interest was the variety of apples here. Jazz, Fuji, Cosmic Crisp, Gala apples, and more.


I got an eco-bag from Trader Joe’s, and it’s very well-made, cute, and spacious! I love it! <3 Upon returning home, I made miso soup with a Bibigo meal kit, baby spinach, and mushrooms. I also unpacked deliveries from iHerb. The Love Crunch granola was so delicious that I couldn’t stop eating it. At night, I wrote diaries in English. Night night. 🙂

'Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

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