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Day 2: Cleaning my room

by nari._days 2024. 2. 5.

#Nari_in_LA #Day2 #240203


I struggled with the adjustment to the time difference—waking up in the middle of the night and going back to sleep at noon after eating some foods! Using the DoorDash and Instacart app is so convenient that I don't have to wash myself haha.

Around 4 pm, I decided to tackle a productive task: cleaning my room. As a Korean, I'm accustomed to keeping shoes out of living spaces, so I aimed to make my floor spotless and ordered a Swiffer mop.

The first few passes with the mop were shocking; my floor was much dirtier than anticipated. By the third round, the mop had turned black! Undeterred, I persisted until the fifth mopping, and finally, the mop showed signs of cleanliness. However, to ensure I could comfortably go barefoot in my room, I went the extra mile and hand-mopped several times. After using up all my wet tissues, I completed the cleaning process. It wasn't easy, but the refreshing feeling afterward made it all worthwhile! The second day in LA, stuck at home 🧹🧼🫶🏻

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